• Podporný tím


          PODPORNÝ TÍM vznikol vďaka národnému projektu Pomáhajúce profesie v edukácii detí a žiakov II, ktorého cieľom je podporiť pozitívne zmeny v inkluzívnom vzdelávaní priamo v školskom prostredí, a to prostredníctvom edukačnej podpory pedagogických asistentov, asistentov učiteľa pre deti a žiakov so zdravotným znevýhodnením, špeciálnych pedagógov, sociálnych pedagógov a školských psychológov.  




        • Galéria

        • Výzva 2021/05: Dôveruj, ale preveruj

          Cieľom májovej výzvy mesiaca bolo viesť žiakov ku kritickému mysleniu. Súčasťou výzvy bola aj prednáška s Mgr. PaedDr. R. Ocilkovou na tému „Čo s nami robia digitálne technológie“ a využitie zásad kritického myslenia pri diskusiách na konkrétne témy vo vybraných predmetoch.

          Foto 1: Mgr. PaedDr. Renáta Ocilková počas prednášky

          Foto 2: IV.BA, diskusia na tému "Prezenčná výučba v dnešnej dobe už nie je potrebná"


          Výzva 2021/04: ČARO OKAMIHU

          V rámci aprílovej výzvy mesiaca bola vyhlásená fotosúťaž ČARO OKAMIHU. Naši žiaci zachytili na fotografiách krásne chvíle s blízkymi, so zvieratami, v prírode, pri západe slnka, pri jedle... - radosť pozerať!

          Výber fotografií sme vystavili na chodbe školy. Výstava začala 17. 5. 2021 slávnostným odovzdaním cien a malým občerstvením. Výhercom blahoželáme!


          Klára Gumuláková: Spoločné chvíle s dedom


          1. Mário Koščák: Fool's Lake
          2. Šimon Pjaták: Bez názvu
          2. Lívia Budzáková: Winter Wonderland
          3. Klára Gumuláková: Spoločné chvíle s dedom
          3. Katarína Chmeliarová: Bez názvu



          Pôstna výzva 2021/03: ZMEŇ SEBA

          Pôstnu výzvu, ktorá nás nabádala spolupracovať s Bohom na našej premene, sme sa snažili rozmeniť na drobné a osobné výzvy na hodinách náboženskej výchovy v niektorých ročníkoch. Končiace ročníky, ktoré sa aktuálne vzdelávajú aj prezenčne, mali pripravené pôstne prekvapenia na konferenčnom stolíku na 1. poschodí.


          Výzva 2021/02: OBJAV SVOJE DARY

          Študenti si v rámci triedy pomáhali hľadať svoje dobré vlastnosti, silné stránky, dary a talenty. 

          Svoje výsledky prezentovali na vizitkách so serióznejším aj vtipnejším obsahom. Posúďte, akých máme v škole expertov! :)


          Výzva 2021/01: Moje NAJEkg, Srdce, 2020, Kalendár, Mier, Nový Rok, Čas, Ecg

          Úlohou študentov bolo na hodinách cudzieho jazyka napísať esej a nájsť tie najkrajšie, najvzácnejšie, najinšpiratívnejšie momenty uplynulého roku.

          S týmito udalosťami a myšlienkami sa podelili: 

          • V júli sme si urobili s rodičmi výlet na Oravu. Mali sme tam ísť len na jeden deň, ale mama našla večer predtým ubytovanie pri Oravskej priehrade na internáte. Tak nás v deň výletu všetkých prekvapila.
          • Pre mňa osobne bol rok 2020 najlepším rokom v mojom živote. Karanténa nám poskytla veľa možností na zlepšenie nášho života. Myslím si, že to bola pre každého skvelá príležitosť na zmenu, mali sme čas na naučenie sa nových vecí, nájdenie nových aktivít, zmenenie našich zvykov či nášho pohľadu na svet.
          • Bol som šťastný a vďačný za viac voľného času, lebo som mohol študovať to, čo ma zaujíma a viac čítať. Okrem toho som mohol tráviť aj viac času so svojou rodinou.
          • Som veľmi vďačná za všetkých ľudí, ktorých som mala v roku 2020 pri sebe. Vďaka nim to bol môj najkrajší rok.
          • Som vďačná za rok 2020. Stretla som priateľa, s ktorým som veľmi šťastná.
          • Rok 2020 bol pre mňa celkom dobrý rok. Všetci v rodine sme boli zdraví. Pre pandémiu sme väčšinu času strávili doma, ale bolo to fajn, pretože ja som celkom rada sama.


          Travelled round Slovakia

          Probably the first experience I can think of during the holidays in 2020 is camping with my classmates. It was one night but we had a lot of fun. In August our friends from Switzerland visited us and together we travelled round Slovakia. I found out that we can also have beautiful holidays in Slovakia.

          After writing these most important events in my 2020, I found out that I took the most I could from it. I worked on myself in school where I had to work even more this year. I began to appreciate moments with friends or grandparents. And I realised that, yes, health is really the most important thing.


          Expert for demolition

          Another big news in my life were, when my parents announced that we‘re (finally) going to renovate our bathroom. At the end we built two. Our family friend helped us with everything. I hope that you can imagine me as an expert for demolition. I learned various actions connected with building and also to maintain (at least looking) fresh even when I was tired as horse. We became the super-two with that friend. We were practically working together all the time and teasing each other. Sometimes we looked like dumb and dumber. I became hishonourable companion. We built together two bathrooms just in two months. Andthey are capable of service! :)


          I found myself

          During the year 2020 I found myself enjoying reading, listening to music, watching a lot of series and movies, finding new hobbies, and spending time with my family. I got closer to my sister,we joked around a lot, we tried to cheer each other up during bad days… I played card games with my mom almost every day, and whenever my older siblings came to visit us, we played many board games.


          It changed me as a person

          In April, I started cycling daily, and I have to say it is much harder with the mask on! I got pretty good at it and I was able to cycle 50 km without stopping. I am really glad that I spent many days with my sister so we could get closer.

          On Christmas day, my whole family became sick with coronavirus and it was so hard for us. My great-grandmalives alone, so my mum and I had to take care of her. We all had a fever, I had the highest one, but we all had to help each other. It was really interesting to experience the disease everyone is feared of. I´m glad that my whole family is healthy now.

          Overall, it changed me as a person, I started to take care of myself more. I found out that I´m pretty good at sketching deer, what a useful thing! Haha.


          Slovakia is so nice

          In the summer we decided to go on holiday to Slovakia. We stayed in a hotel in Sliač. Every day we came up with a program where we would like to go. We were at various castles which were beautiful. For example, Bojnice Castle was one of those that I liked the way it looked. We also went to the lookout towers. It was nice to look at the city and the forest from above. Also a great memory is from a trip with friends. We went on a trip to the High Tatras. My friend and I looked at the waterfalls and didn´t notice that the others had left. It was fun. We had to find friends we came with but it was amazing. I didn´t know that Slovakia is so nice and I´m glad that I was able to visit so many different places in a week.


          Work in Netherlands with my father

          ...But in 2020 was not everything bad. I was at work in Netherlands with my father. It was in summer, when situation was better. Not only that I earned some money, I also saw a piece of world. For me it was a wery good experience.



          One of the most beautiful moments was when I met my friends after a very long time in the summer. We could talk about how we spent time quarantines.


          Hard-earned money

          The best thing that happened to me was that I found love at the beginning of the year. I am very happy and grateful. I had a lot of experiences with him. The hardest experience for me was summer. I went to work with my friend to Germany. It was very, very difficult. I learned a lot there and started to value hard-earned money more.


          I bought a caaaaar

          I have learnt many new skills with e-learning and during the summer I had a part time job again. I worked so hard and nearly every day of summer holidays but in september it came. I bought a caaaaar. I wish could write its new but it´s not, but it´s my first car and I was so excited about it and I´am until today. I  felt like a big boy when I arrived first time home, it was amazing. I have to say thanks to my father who helped me with choice...


          Magical moments

          My whole family and I got infected so we had to stay locked at home for a month. Yes, it was a difficult time, but thanks to that experience we spent more time together as family. I think this disease has come to show us that we cannot have everything under our control. We lived a very hasty life, and we were not able to stop for a moment and enjoy the ordinary magical moments that are so rare. We forgot how beautiful it is to see the sunrise or sunset, because there was no time for that or there were more important things to do. We forgot how beautiful it is to have lunch with your family, laugh at a good joke or listen to the other person´s life and how he is doing.


          Good thing for our Earth

          It was 13th of the March and I was surfing on the Internet when some guy started on me. This was the best moment for me. His name is Jany Landl and he was broadcasting live training on his social websites. At the first moment, I wasn´t listening to him. I just thought that he was an ordinary trainer who just wanted to exercise during the pandemic. But

          later I found out that this training was called: Training for the planet. Every Friday Jany streams his training for free. The only thing that he wants from those people who exercise with him is to go out and pick up the rubbish. Why the best thing of the year 2020 was that I found Jany Land? Because he is a very positive man who is spreading the positive energy on everyone and also, he is trying to do the good thing for our Earth.


          I learned to bake sourdough bread

          During quarantine, many of us learned to make our own yeast, bake bread, cakes, walk in nature or exercise. During this quarantine, I walked a lot in nature... I also learned to bake sourdough bread and I suddenly had a lot of time for this long process.


    • Prihlásenie

    • Kontakty

      • Cirkevné gymnázium sv. Mikuláša v Starej Ľubovni
      • Sekretariát: +421 522388411
      • Štúrova 3 064 01 Stará Ľubovňa Slovakia
      • 37945785
      • Mgr. Pavol Chmeliar
      • Riaditeľ: +421 522388412
      • Zástupkyňa: +421 522388406
      • Zborovňa: +421 522388413
      • Ekonomické: +421 522388400
      • Jedáleň: +421 522388402
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          • Štvrtok 9. 5. 2024
    • Počet návštev: 1262